How to Strategically Manage Global Meetings and Events

How to Strategically Manage Global Meetings and Events

In order to maintain control over global meetings and events, business owners need to strategically manage them. Many choose to implement a strategic meetings management program (SMMP).

As a business owner looking to hold an international corporate meeting, you fear losing control over such a large event. By building a SMMP, you limit your chances of losing that power. A SMMP entails planning for an enterprise-wide meeting. You need to consider the processes, quantities and suppliers among other factors. If done well, you can save your company money and mitigate risks effectively.

Achieve these goals by reading on to learn how to strategically manage global meetings and events.

Define Goals

To begin to strategically manage global meetings and events, define your goals. If you are holding a meeting, consider your guests. Ask yourself why they are attending the meeting. Use your answer to establish a goal for that meeting. After all, it should revolve around the guests traveling for the meeting.

You need to clearly state your goal of each meeting or event in order to plan and manage it. If a problem occurs during the event, you need to use your goal to decide what to do. Without a goal, you jeopardize making decisions that lead to unsatisfied attendees. Avoid this by starting your SMMP by defining a goal.

Communicate Globally

Once you define your goals, come up with communication strategies for your SMMP. You cannot strategically manage any event without clear means of communicating with those involved.

Successful event planners begin the communication process right from the start. Whether you want to integrate event marketing or employer branding campaigns, communication is essential.

As soon as you begin planning your international event or meeting, reach out to each department of your business. By involving everyone and keeping all employees up-to-date, you receive buy in. If a problem occurs, you have more brains to pick and, therefore, more solutions to choose from. To strategically manage global events, communicate with your employees.

Using video conferencing technologies

Implement Key Technologies

Next, get key technologies to strategically manage global events. These strategic event solutions offer advanced support with innovative tools. The top solutions include attendee management from planning to completion.

Firstly, look for solutions that integrate registration with approval processes automatically. Secondly, there are advanced data tools that provide in-depth analysis on the behaviors of your registrants. Additionally, you can leverage payment and reconciliation solutions that allow attendees to pay for add-ons or special requests easily.

With these advanced technologies, you can impress your international guests and succeed in managing a global event.

Establish A Policy

Additionally, establish a policy to strategically manage global meetings and events. These types of events can have a major impact on the finances and resources or an enterprise. Too many companies overlook all of the associated risks of managing such a large event. In turn, they fail to establish a policy and create poor financial situations for themselves.

If you set up a policy, you can ensure that your strategy and budget go hand-in-hand. Additionally, policies can keep your event safe and secure. It provides the steps and procedures to keep guests safe at a corporate event.

Consider hiring a meeting planner who has experience with global events to manage the event. They can assist you in establishing an effective policy that will lead you to SMMP success.

Engage Stakeholders

After you implement a policy, engage stakeholders to strategically manage global meetings and events. Since you are planning an international event, you need to contact stakeholders across the globe. When you communicated your goals and objectives the right stakeholders, the event is much more likely to succeed from a logistical and attendance point of view.

Ideally, your key contacts should work in positions concerning leadership, travel and compliance. Reach out to professionals in multiple countries and ask them for their feedback. If they like what they see, they will likely buy-in. Then, you will gain extra assistance when strategically managing global meetings and events.

Leaders meeting of a multinational company


To succeed in strategically managing global events, you need to create a detailed management program.

To begin, define your goals by considering what attendees desire from your event. Then, begin communicating with employees in every department of your business. Hire a meeting planner to assist you in creating an effective policy. Afterward, engage stakeholders across the globe. In addition, get key technologies including attendee tools, data tools and payment and reconciliation tools.

Follow these steps to strategically manage global meetings and events.

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