How to Keep Guests Safe at a Corporate Event

How to Keep Guests Safe at a Corporate Event

We live in a time when we need to think about security when large numbers of people convene in the same area. It’s currently just a fact of life. Does that mean we should all hide at home under the covers? Absolutely not.

Life goes on and hopefully things will change. Until then, however, we can and should still throw corporate and private parties—so long as we take the necessary precautions. Keeping your guests safe is now simply part of the party planning process; another step, if you will, albeit a detailed one.

Want some more information on how to do so? Read on for our tips on how to keep guests safe at a corporate event.

Choose the Right Venue

First and foremost, you must choose an event venue and, although you want the scenery to be perfect and the ambiance to be just right, safety should be the top priority. As this article by recommends, “When selecting a location, create a checklist of questions the venue’s staff should be able to answer. A few topics: evacuation plans in case of an emergency, the location of all emergency exits, access for paramedics, and contingency plans in case of bomb threats or power outages.”

You can never be too cautious, especially if it’s a high-profile venue.

Control the Guest List

Ideally, you want your corporate event to be invitation only, as this is the easiest way to keep numbers down and keep guests safe. As this article notes, “For a guest-listed event, require your invitees to show a picture ID at the entrance in order to receive their event access badge. Not only does this provide an attendance record, but it keeps out any party crashers or people with the intent to do harm. For high-profile events, require they bring their invitation as well as a photo ID as an additional security measure.”

Once guests are confirmed, you can give them custom event wristbands to verify that they have been screened. If it’s a large event, you should also consider letting guests know ahead of time what they can and can’t bring with them, and have security monitor this at the door.

If for some reason it is deemed necessary to keep the event open to the public, heavy security and metal detectors are strongly recommended.

Distinguish the Boundaries of the Party

This makes it sound like we’re trying to take the fun out of the party but it’s just about letting your guests feel comfortable in knowing where they can and can’t go once they get to a venue. Make sure they also know ahead of time where they can park, and ensure the lot is well lit if the event is at night. If this isn’t the case, you should offer complimentary valet so guests can feel safe when leaving the event.

Outsource Security

If you want to ensure everything goes off without a hitch, hire a security company. Sure, you can have some of your employees work together with a few consultants but the best way to ensure safety is to leave this to the experts. As scary as it sounds, they will take into consideration any protests or terrorist threats in the area. We can’t stress enough the importance of being safe rather than sorry.

Event security personnel

Also, assign a point person within security and a point person within your company. The last thing you need is chaos, which is a distinct possibility if you haven’t assigned someone who’s in charge in case of questions or concerns.

As this article puts it, “Not only will you avoid the situation of multiple people providing conflicting answers, but it can also speed up the decision-making process when time is of the essence.” And time is of the essence just about 100 percent of the time. This person can also provide security updates through the day or evening.


Throwing a corporate event that’s talked about with fondness for years to come is important, but what many don’t realize (thank goodness) is how much their security went into consideration behind the scenes. Make sure your guests’ safety is your top priority and everything else will fall into place.

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