Content Marketing for Lawyers: It Doesn’t Have to Be Boring!

Content Marketing for Lawyers: It Doesn’t Have to Be Boring!

At some point in our careers, we’ll all need to market ourselves, our jobs, or our services, regardless of what we do for a living. That’s the only way to let potential clients know we’re out there and working.

For some people, the concept of “marketing” falls into a cat’s cradle of finance jargon and deceitful practices to lure buyers in, which is untrue. The simple act of telling people about your law firm or your field of work is already a marketing practice. But you can do better than just tell.

Putting in a few weekly hours to work on a quality content marketing campaign for your law firm will maintain your old clients and guarantee new ones, besides building the trust your business needs to reel the right people in–and it isn’t nearly as exhausting as it sounds.

Come across prospects on social media

“How will people find my website?”

The answer to this question is in the way you promote yourself and your business. Sure, your potential clients could get to you through your business card or be referred to you by someone else; but we assure you that social media is your prospect’s preferred venue.

Social media should be where you share your links, as well as where you post relevant content about what you do. In photo apps, share pictures of your team, your workspace, do Q&As, and interact with your followers regularly. Write informational captions for every photo, be active, and treat your followers as you would your first client.

Notice how a lot of business websites have a link to their blog in the top menu. Focusing your blogs on the benefits of your job and engaging information that targets your audience (i.e. attorneys, law students, injury victims) is a great way to show your expertise and build credibility.

Have your website professionally designed

A business website should have easily digestible content, a clean layout, and a user-friendly display of your services.

Even the basics of website content creation will take a while to sink in, and not everyone (lawyers included) has hours at their disposal to learn all about it. A simple Google search of “marketing agencies near me” could steer you towards website marketing for attorneys and a range of other professionals.

“I could create my own free website in minutes! Wouldn’t that be a waste of money?”

That’s a good question! Sure, you could try your hand at that. However, the specialty of pro services is not only to make your site look appealing to prospects, but to help it reach more people in your area.

Accessing law firm website

A professionally built website consists of well-crafted landing pages and SEO to transform your work into powerful, inviting offers. When you present your content in a way that your audience can relate to and benefit from your services, they’ll keep your firm in mind.

In addition, the optimization of a website ranks it higher on search engines organically, meaning your page’s authority is based solely on the best content strategy rather than pay-per-click advertising. You can consider PPC once this part is done.

Run ad campaigns

There’s a reason this topic is last–it should be your last step, too. Never jump straight to paid advertisement without solid content. A well-written ad can lead anyone to your website, but if the content’s poor, that’s the first and only click you’ll generate. Lead them on with trust, not money.

What your ad campaigns will do is expertly spread the word. Although loyal customers might help with that, the best way to increase word-of-mouth recommendations is by putting in a good word for yourself through your material.

The content you put forward is what will determine your online authority, and consequently contribute to the growth of your customer base. In short, everything you write, post, and curate establishes your influence and expertise, while your promotion strategies will make it all known to the public. There’s no one without the other.

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