Why Freelancers Need Marketers

Why Freelancers Need Marketers

Working as a freelancer can be rewarding, but finding new companies to work with is often time-consuming and frustrating. Using digital marketing to promote your business can improve your visibility and significantly increase your income.

The Advantages of Hiring Digital Marketing Pros

Companies are constantly looking for quality freelancers, so you need to make your brand known to them. Managing your own marketing costs you valuable freelancer work time. Social media marketing alone can take several hours a day. It is more cost effective to pay an online marketing firm than it is to spend half your time promoting yourself and seeking clients.

Types of Online Marketing

There are several types of online marketing, but the main three are:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Direct Marketing
  • Content Marketing

Each one of these is suitable to bring positive attention to your freelance business.

Social Media Marketing

Depending on what services you are selling, there can be several social media sites that you may need to use. The top five are

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn

The key to successful marketing on all these sites is to become a part of the community. If you simply flood the site with ads, you will likely become known as a spammer and lose influence. Establishing a positive presence on these sites can take hours a day over many months. A social media manager knows how to market, engage and build your brand quickly.

Email Direct Marketing

Email marketing is excellent if you are selling products. Affiliate marketers swear by this method to gain new customers and increase sales. The problem with email marketing is that there is a fine line between effective promotion and being relegated to a potential customer’s spam folder. Internet marketing experts know where that line is and how not to cross it, so you can build your customer base and reputation at the same time.

Content marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the best ways to personalize your product. Most people search online seeking information before buying a product or service.

A professionally run blog or website with quality information for potential clients and customers is an excellent profile building tool. However, things are actually more challenging than it sounds. One headache is blog maintenance.

Maintaining a blog with quality content posted on a regular basis is almost a full-time job in itself. Professional digital marketers have access to professional writers who can keep your blog filled with search engine optimized content to get it ranked in the search engines so that it brings customers right to your site. They can even provide you with writers for important items such as product and category descriptions that increase sales.

Finding new companies to work with can eat into your productivity. Trying to juggle too many balls can be the downfall of your freelance business. Hiring a pro marketer is cost-effective and leaves you time to do the actual freelancer work you are getting paid for.


This is only a small overview of what a professional digital marketer can do for your business. Given the proliferation of mobile technology, video accessibility, and even virtual reality, the potential for digital marketers to help freelancers grow their business is seemingly endless for the time being.

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