How to Make The Best Use of Your Sales Team

How to Make The Best Use of Your Sales Team

You’ve hired a few new salespeople in the last year or two and they seem to be showing consistency, yet you can’t help but wonder what you could be doing to help them really excel and bring even more revenue in for your business.

Sales personalities can be elusive; it’s not always easy for managers or even salespeople themselves to put their finger on how their soft skills are contributing to a successful transaction. By figuring out exactly where an employee’s strengths lie, and what they might be lacking on a call however, you can help them do better work. It’ll also give you a better idea regarding what type of training your salesforce could benefit from.

You need a professional development tool

What you need is a tool that will calculate accurately how much or how little of a personality trait an employee harnesses. Many companies use personality tests with current employees to measure trails such as emotional maturity, stamina, motivational style, sociability, and assertiveness; the results should be compared against what the ideal combination of these traits would be for the position an employee is currently in. You can order sales personality tests such as these by contacting companies like SalesTestOnline whose tests have been developed by industrial psychologists, and who are able to do a full analysis of your company’s needs and the demands of each sales role to generate that benchmark.

What you may find is an employee needs to be more aware of one aspect in their chart so they can work on it to really flourish in their position. Another employee however might have completely plateaued in their role, but their sales personality would be better suited to a variety of other roles which is something to think about when there are new openings at the company. You may also notice that some of your sales team requires assistance with developing one particular soft skill; this allows you to see plainly what kind of training you should consider conducting.

Performance assessment

Non-invasive assessments on your employees

The target profiles can be catered to represent as many different positions as a sales company wishes. Because it only takes employees ten minutes to complete the test, it’s a low-pressure, non-invasive method to aid employers with performance evaluations and varying other types of workplace assessments.

With a 90% accuracy rate (and 97% re-order rate) it offers a helpful and honest look at where your team can grow and advance farther; they may even thank you for steering them in the best direction for professional development.


The difference between a decent sales team and an exceptional one is how consistently they play to their strengths. It’s difficult to do that however when you’re unsure which of your team’s soft skills are working in their favour and which weaknesses are slowing them down.

Order a sales personality test to help you with workplace evaluations today, and retrieve the information you need to get your team to that next level. You’ll know you made the right decision when the numbers start rolling in at speeds you had previously only hoped for.

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