‘Tis the (tax) season to be jolly… as if you didn’t have enough headaches already with your business operations, you need to scramble for your tax filing, as the Tax Day 2015 is fast approaching (April 15, 2015.)
Filing for your taxes is never a fun activity. But if you have employees working for you, there is one more ‘fun’ you need to deal with: The W-2 form.
The W-2 form deals with your employees’ wages and taxes. For every employee you have, you need to file one W-2 form. Imagine filling 10 W-2 forms if you employ 10 people. Ugh…
Need some help? If so, I have this nice infographic that can help your W-2 form filling a less painful one – guaranteed!

For more info on what to fill in the W-2 form, click here.
When you know what to fill, and where, things are easier, don’t you agree? Well, I hope this helps! Good luck with your tax filing endeavors!