Passion Beats Fancy Job Titles: This Man Left Corporate America and Pursue his Passion for Golden Retrievers

Passion Beats Fancy Job Titles: This Man Left Corporate America and Pursue his Passion for Golden Retrievers

Corporate America is not as appealing as it was used to be. Just ask Robert Swanson, the owner of Overlook Goldens – a dog breeding business specializing in the beautiful Golden Retrievers.

Mr. Swanson was a VP in a large company, but as the company has decided to move overseas, he’s given a package and released. He decided to pursue his love for breeding and showing dogs.

Watch his story here:

Mr. Swanson is yet another example of how passion beats money and fancy job titles.

Indeed, there is a world of opportunities outside the corporate walls. See the world, embrace your passion and turn it into a lucrative business.

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