New Technology Will Make Scar-Jo’s “Lucy” Character a Definite Reality

New Technology Will Make Scar-Jo’s “Lucy” Character a Definite Reality

Scarlett Johansson’s new movie Lucy shows us a character who gets super human abilities, including a genius IQ, after being dosed with some super-synthetic drugs. Of course, we’ve seen this before when Bradley Cooper and gang brought us Limitless and NZT-48.

The following video really got me really excited about the future.

This is about as real as it gets, right? Forget about spending 10,000 hours to become an expert at a given technique, career, or discipline — this new “tDCS” device looks like something I want in my home office!

Imagine the possibilities for expanding your business — nationally, internationally…

… or strapping one of these things on and becoming an expert in something you’ve never tried before — in less than a day!

Here’s a link I found on Google to buy one:

Though I think it’s safe to say that it’s probably just a knock-off to the one being discussed in the vid.

Here’s the Wiki for those of you who (like me) hadn’t any idea about this technology before today:


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