5 Little Tricks for Effectively Promoting your Upcoming Webinar

5 Little Tricks for Effectively Promoting your Upcoming Webinar

Picture the scene: you’ve prepared your next webinar – script, slides and all – and penciled in a specific date and time for it in your diary. Now, you just need to get the word out about your webinar to tempt people into signing up as attendees-in-waiting – but marketing a webinar can be much easier said than done.

It doesn’t help that not all members of your target audience might be fully aware of what a webinar actually is – but you can fill them in on that and a lot more if you utilize these clever tricks…

Webinar session

Start marketing your webinar early

In analyzing a sample of nearly a million webinar registrants, Daniel Waas and his research team found that 15% had registered over a fortnight in advance, while 52% signed up in the 14 days prior to the webinar and 33% left it until the last day.

These findings lead Waas to advise that you start marketing the webinar up to four weeks before it starts – and don’t let up until the day of the webinar.

Create a landing page for your webinar

If you have a website, you could dedicate one page of it to advertising your webinar. You should display important information like the topic of the webinar, details of the speakers lined up for it, the date and time of the webinar, and what attendees can expect to learn.

Search Engine Journal provides an example of how a landing page for a webinar could look. Naturally, your page should include a “call to action” (CTA) to encourage registrations.

Use your blog to promote the webinar

This is another tip you could easily follow if you have a website – since it probably already has a news section and, even if it doesn’t, you could surely add a blog without too much trouble.

Again, your objective should be to invite people to register a place among the event’s attendees. If you use a webinar platform that would let people register with just one click, as is made possible by ON24’s Webcast Elite platform, you could publicize this advantage in the blog post.

Hashtag campaign for your webinar

Give your webinar its own branded hashtag

That hashtag would be wonderfully versatile; you could use it not only in your social media marketing campaigns for the webinar but also during the webinar itself.

For example, on Twitter, you could launch a competition requiring people to tweet using that hashtag. Then, while presenting the webinar, you could select a winner by perusing tweets in which the hashtag features.

Send email reminders to registrants as the event nears

Of course, this would be aimed at helping to prevent a lot of the registrants from forgetting that they signed up for the event. So, perhaps you could email them the day before the webinar or even just an hour away from its start time?

If you’ve got a database of email addresses from people who probably haven’t yet heard about the event, you could also use emails to drive registrations in the first place.

Cover photo credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

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