Revoked License vs. Suspended License: What’s the Difference?

Revoked License vs. Suspended License: What’s the Difference?

Not sure what the difference between a revoked license and a suspended license is? Click here to learn everything you need to know!

When you have an issue with your driver’s license or you have unpaid traffic tickets, you may get a notice stating that your license has been revoked or suspended.

Over 7 million people have a suspended license for unpaid fines and court debts. Whether you have a suspended or revoked license, that can affect your life in major ways.

You have to rely on others or public transportation to get to work, buy groceries, get to the gym, never mind trying to have a social life. Depending on where you live, it can be very difficult to have any quality of life.

You’ll want to get your license back as soon as possible. Do you want to know the difference between a suspended and revoked license?

Keep reading to find out the difference between the two and how you can get your license back a soon as possible.

Suspended vs. Revoked License

There’s a big difference between having a suspended or a revoked license. Neither one of these is good for your driving record. However, one is a bit worse than the other.

Suspended License

A suspended license means that your license is not active for a period of time. Since you don’t have an active driver’s license, you’re not able to legally operate a vehicle.

You may have a definite or indefinite license suspension. A definite suspension is a suspension with a definite start and end period. For example, you have a license suspended for 6 months.

An indefinite suspension has terms that you have to meet in order to have your license reinstated. In a DWI case, you may have to attend classes and pay a large fine in order to have your license back. Once those conditions are met, you’ll get your license returned to you.

The type of suspensions requirements varies by state, though there are some common things that lead to a suspension. Failing to renew your driver’s license or register your vehicle, misinformation on your driver’s license application, an accumulation of traffic violations are some common reasons.

A DUI or DWI arrest would also lead to a suspension of your driver’s license. Unpaid traffic tickets, and not paying child support are also reasons to have your license suspended.

In extreme cases where a medical condition is a public safety issue, your license may be suspended as well. You may have to provide documentation that your health condition doesn’t impede on your ability to safely operate a car.

Revoked License

A revoked license is worse than a suspended license. With a revoked license, your driver’s license is completely inactivated or canceled.

Think of it as a permanent suspension. Now you know how serious this is.

The reasons for getting your license revoked are similar as to what leads to a license suspension. In most cases, your license would be suspended first for a period of time.

When there are multiple violations or suspensions, your license is revoked. One other thing that could lead to revocation is failing to show up in court for a traffic violation.

What Happens to Your Insurance Policy?

If your license has been suspended, you will find it hard to find insurance coverage. Insurance companies will see you as a high-risk driver. They may cancel your policy or hike your rates up big time.

Car insurance protection

Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License

Of course, you want to get back on the road as quickly as possible. You may even take a chance and get back in the car even though you don’t have an official license.

Don’t do it, even if you’re driving around the block. In Illinois alone, over 34,000 are convicted for driving with a revoked or suspended license.

Across the country, this is a big problem because people who continue to drive without a license are often involved in car accidents.

What happens if you’re caught? It depends on the state laws. You can count on having to pay hefty fines for the first offense. Some states also require jail time for your first offense, too.

The fines and jail time will increase with each additional offense. If you get caught driving with a suspended license in South Carolina, the options are to pay a fine or spend 10-30 days in jail for the first offense.

How to Get Your Driver’s License Back

The big question after a suspension or revocation is how you can get your license back as soon as possible.

Revoked License

You have to go through a lengthy process to get your license again. You’re likely going to have to get approval from your DMV and start over. It’s like getting your driver’s licenses for the first time. You’ll need to pass tests like the written and driver’s tests.

Even then, there is no guarantee that you’ll get your license back.

Suspended License

You are likely to have terms set out by the court to get your license back. You are likely going to have to pay your fines and take a driving class.

You may also need to get an SR-22 form for your insurance. You’ll also have to wait out the period of suspension.

Businessman driving safely

Avoid Getting a Suspended or Revoked License

Driving a car is necessary to live a high quality of life in our country. Unless you live in an urban center, you need a car to do basic things.

Getting a suspended or revoked license is sure to make your life difficult. With a suspended license, it can be viewed as a temporary thing and you have a path to get your license back.

A complete revocation is a bit more challenging. Your best option to avoid this scenario is to be a safe driver and pay your fines on time. You also want to limit the number of traffic violations.

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