What started as a way for people to get together and talk about whatever was on their mind at the time has now turned into a multi-billion dollar online industry. An industry that’s become very B2B and B2C focused over the last five years.
This advertising and branding avenue isn’t just for celebrities and big brands like McDonalds to push their brand either.
Boring industries use social every day to help overcome the dull stain their industry or business may have in the minds of the public. Nobody’s saying you’re going to be able to turn charcoal into diamonds overnight.
In fact, a business that manufactures plastic drink swords will never gain 12-million followers on Facebook like Lamborghini has, but that shouldn’t be your goal.
Your immediate goal should be to work hard to create the best content you can; to further your brand as much as the market will allow, and gain more followers by “following” the tips provided below:
1. Be Interesting!
Saying that a business operating in a dull industry can’t be interesting is like saying that all used car salesmen are boring – which we all know is anything but true. The fact is, you can still be interesting, while staying true to your boring brand.
Say you’re an electrician trying to gain a better social foothold for your business, and some residual SEO benefits for your sales website. Why not post a blog or vlog on your site to share your wisdom with consumers, while avoiding outright shameless promotion of your business. Some engaging titles could range from “10 Things You Must Know Before Calling an Electrician” or “5 Warning Signs of a Bad Electrician.”
If people are interested in the topics you share, they’ll follow you and share your posts. Pure and simple way to get tons of followers in an otherwise boring industry.
2. Be a reliable source of content
There’s no excuse for being tardy with your social posts. If nobody ever hears from you, many ‘socialites’ will unfollow you, and certainly nobody new is going to bother following your social accounts. Loyal followers will pick up on your posting schedule. If they know when you’re going to post, they’ll see more of your content.
Protip: list your posting schedule in your profile to get even more shares!
You don’t have to post every day, though it certainly won’t hinder your efforts to get more followers. Post when you can, but make it consistent. Not only will this satisfy a user’s hunger for great content, it will also create an air of professionalism surrounding your company.
Last, try to avoid posting the same content on all your channels. It’s better to have just a Facebook account or only a Twitter account if you can’t manage multiple platforms, than to have every social account in the book and only share one piece of content across multiple platforms.
3. Be attentive to your followers
There’s so many ways you can be attentive to your social media following, and even to those who don’t follow you (yet) but still leave comments on your feeds. It’s important to try to respond to each and every comment and question you can – even when you reach millions of subscribers on YouTube and other comment-happy social networks.
Why? It shows how much you care. And caring equals sharing (and following). We can’t all be like @therock (Dwayne Johnson) on Instagram with nearly 52 million fan followers, never answer a single comment, and not make a few people angry.
Protip: As your following grows, it will likely become necessary to have part or full-time employees managing your comments for you, so nothing gets missed.
4. Automation is a good thing
There are so many elements of a successful social media campaign that can be automated, you won’t need to look far to find several that suit your needs. Whether paid or free, there are tools to automate your post schedule, so you can set up the majority of your posts for the week in one or two sittings.
There are also tools to automate sourcing content, those to find out what people are saying about your brand, and a myriad of other apps to help manage your campaigns in various ways.
Those who refuse to automate their online presence tend to have the smallest following and lowest engagement numbers. Don’t let yourself get left behind, even if an expensive paid app ends up being the best fit for your needs!
Ready to share?
If you found this post useful, don’t forget to share it with your other friends working in boring industries. And if you have any tips of your own, leave a comment so everyone can benefit.