The Productivity Killers in Every Office and How to Design Around Them (Infographic)

The Productivity Killers in Every Office and How to Design Around Them (Infographic)

There seem to be an endless amount of things that can drastically reduce productivity in the workplace. Most employers don’t consider the connection between workplace productivity and design. It turns out that only one in four workers work in an office designed to improve productivity. Seats and Stools puts together a really useful and informative graphic that covers the areas of a common office that can be improved upon with workplace design. Let’s explore some of them.

Many open-plan offices deal with noise pollution that can cause reading and writing efficiency to decline as much as 66% when employees are distracted by other conversations happening in the office. By encouraging employees to wear headphones, you can help to cut out noise related distractions in the workplace.

Having multiple computer screens available to your employees is an easy way to improve office productivity. Workers who only use one computer screen see a decline of over 50% in productivity each day. That’s a staggering number.

Increasing the amount of natural light in your office is another way to help boost productivity. By adding windows or skylights to your office you will not only improve the mood, but also help to booster productivity from your workers.

To learn more about some of the other productivity killers in the workplace, check out the infographic from Seats and Stools below.

Productive by Design - infographic by Seats and Stools

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