You Can Advance Your Career By Spending 9 Minutes Doing This…

You Can Advance Your Career By Spending 9 Minutes Doing This…

I’ve been learning so much about the value of LinkedIn in the last few weeks and came across this video while researching:

Obviously it’s a marketing video for the social network, but as this post I did yesterday showed, LinkedIn performs leaps and bounds above Facebook and Twitter when it comes to lead-gen. Lead-gen is exactly what any career-driven individual is working on when networking on social media platforms. You’re the product and you’re looking for contacts (leads) that can help you get ahead in your chosen line of work.

Really, it doesn’t take much time at all to:

  • Find like-minded people and groups that you can add.
  • Post some helpful information that might benefit your contacts in some way.
  • Send a thoughtful message or two to people you want to emulate and learn from.

The key, as always, is adding value.

I’ve heard from a ridiculous number of people now who’ve told me stories of CEO’s, business owners, and freelancing clients who messaged them out of the blue; offering them a job based off posts they’d seen that drew them to read their profile and approach them.

Make it a goal to set aside at least 9 minutes a day for a month or two — see what pans out. You never know!



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