Epic Motivation: If Alexander the Great could conquer the known world, why can’t YOU?

Epic Motivation: If Alexander the Great could conquer the known world, why can’t YOU?

So many millionaires and billionaires espouse a boundless “whatever it takes to get there” type of work ethic. Listen to what these guys have to say about the other things that swirled about in their minds throughout their road to riches, and what they feel sets them apart from those who can’t seem to find the same successes in life.

I really love Ted Turner’s quote: “If Alexander the Great could conquer the known world, why can’t I.”

So simple and so true.

Perhaps we should all ask ourselves that same question from time to time. Particularly when the workload seems insurmountable, or when it seems like the walls of life are closing in around you.

Of course, the video starts with Buffett’s advice about developing the habits of success. It really starts with habits — getting up early, staying up late, just starting something and following it through.

Also, Phil Green really hit it on the head about people’s lack of willingness to come out of their comfort zone.

There’s no universal answer really, is there?

What do you think is holding you back currently? Or, perhaps you’ve slain the mental dragon that held you back for so long already?

Come on guys and gals — share your experiences with everyone.




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