Why Tesla Motors Rocks The Automotive Industry

Why Tesla Motors Rocks The Automotive Industry

Tesla Motors is about to changes the world with their electric vehicles, aiming to make fuel-powered combustion engines obsolete.

Tesla is indeed the leader of the revolution. How so?

Well, firstly, it’s running on electricity. No more hybrid. Secondly, it’s far from slow: It’s a supercar on par with Aston Martin, BMW and the likes.

It is the dream of Elon Musk, Co-founder and CEO of Tesla to change the world through technology – one premium car at a time.

If you are interested in what Tesla Motors is up to its sleeves, watch this super-interesting documentary, focused on the factory and technical side of Tesla.

An fascinating video.

Wealth of lessons we can learn from the video:

Vision is everything: Mr. Musk envision everything since 2003 – and stay true to it today: Engineer and manufacture electric cars that can be faster than gasoline-powered cars.

Meet challenges: As a newcomer in an old, established industry, Tesla needs to exceed expectations. They need to overcome production problems, and to say the least, problems are what make companies grow – including Tesla.

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